Teaching people how to think about what they think about.

I’m so glad you landed on my page. I don’t think it was an accident. Maybe you’ve tried all the things? Done all the coaching? Read all the books? And yet, something is missing. You are still searching. Here’s the thing: you are not alone. I was there. Trying desperately to fill the unfillable void.

If you’re struggling with overwhelm, frustration, anxiety in your marriage, in your job, as a parent I have the solution. I have had to solve for all of it and now I get to show you how to break limiting mindsets and achieve extraordinary results all with a simple framework for thinking.

You don’t need more action items, you need a streamlined process to think - I can help with that.

"Leah has led me on the most beautiful journey. I didn’t realize that I was holding back in my life. I was afraid to live completely, unapologetically and unabashedly. I am now learning to be happy with me, which makes me happy with everyone else"


"She helps to build this warm beautiful fire inside of you that you learn to stoke. It helps you be a stronger, more genuine, more intentional you. I'm really enjoying the journey and the process." - A.H.


Take back your power, own your genius and become the absolute best version of you.

I am excited to be your guide on your coaching journey. My hope is that not only will you learn the tools, techniques, and models to support your best practice, but you will be able to self-coach yourself through pretty much anything.